NOAA Metocean: In Situ Observing System    
Brought to you by NOAA NMFS SWFSC ERD    

ERDDAP > Out-Of-Date Datasets

The outOfDate index is a simplistic measure of how out-of-date a dataset is: <0: unexpectedly from the future(!), <1: up-to-date, >=1: out-of-date, >=2: very out-of-date. For out-of-date datasets, there is presumably a problem with the data source, so ERDDAP is unable to access data from more recent time points.

37 matching datasets. This web page was generated at 2024-09-21T04:26:25Z .

outOfDate testOutOfDate maxTime datasetID title
███ 401.5195 now-1day 2023-08-16T16:00:00Z wmo_42069 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42069
███ 395.32504 now-1day 2023-08-22T20:40:00Z wmo_42892 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42892
███ 336.42697 now-1day 2023-10-20T18:13:00Z wmo_42866 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42866
███ 120.752754 now-2days 2024-01-23T16:19:00Z gcoos_42G02 Data for ioos-station-GCOOS-42G02
███ 107.473335 now-1day 2024-06-05T17:05:16Z FGBNMS-Bob Data for ioos:station:NOAA.FGBNMS:Bob
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_127 Data for ioos-station-CBI-127
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_138 Data for ioos-station-CBI-138
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_236 Data for ioos-station-CBI-236
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_242 Data for ioos-station-CBI-242
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_243 Data for ioos-station-CBI-243
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_244 Data for ioos-station-CBI-244
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_256 Data for ioos-station-CBI-256
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_275 Data for ioos-station-CBI-275
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_276 Data for ioos-station-CBI-276
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_277 Data for ioos-station-CBI-277
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_278 Data for ioos-station-CBI-278
███ 107.43116 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:06:00Z CBI_279 Data for ioos-station-CBI-279
███ 107.426994 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:12:00Z CBI_185 Data for ioos-station-CBI-185
███ 107.42283 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:18:00Z CBI_069 Data for ioos-station-CBI-069
███ 107.4145 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:30:00Z CBI_042 Data for ioos-station-CBI-042
███ 107.4145 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:30:00Z CBI_072 Data for ioos-station-CBI-072
███ 107.4145 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:30:00Z CBI_074 Data for ioos-station-CBI-074
███ 107.4145 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:30:00Z CBI_076 Data for ioos-station-CBI-076
███ 107.4145 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:30:00Z CBI_130 Data for ioos-station-CBI-130
███ 107.4145 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:30:00Z CBI_170 Data for ioos-station-CBI-170
███ 107.4145 now-1day 2024-06-05T18:30:00Z CBI_171 Data for ioos-station-CBI-171
███ 11.523942 now-1day 2024-09-09T15:52:00Z gcoos_42G03 Data for ioos-station-GCOOS-42G03
███ 11.337831 now-1day 2024-09-09T20:20:00Z wmo_42881_2024 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42881 (2024)
███ 0.741113 now-12days 2024-09-12T07:00:00Z DISL_BSPA Data for ioos-station-DISL-BSPA
███ 0.35168797 now-1day 2024-09-20T20:00:00Z wmo_42360 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42360
███ 0.21835424 now-1day 2024-09-20T23:12:00Z gcoos_42G06 Data for ioos-station-GCOOS-42G06
███ 0.14335403 now-1day 2024-09-21T01:00:00Z gcoos_42G05 Data for ioos-station-GCOOS-42G05
███ 0.113492824 now-1day 2024-09-21T01:43:00Z gcoos_42G01 Data for ioos-station-GCOOS-42G01
███ 0.113492824 now-1day 2024-09-21T01:43:00Z gcoos_42G07 Data for ioos-station-GCOOS-42G07
███ 0.071131594 now-1day 2024-09-21T02:44:00Z wmo_42858_2024 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42858 (2024)
███ 0.06765936 now-1day 2024-09-21T02:49:00Z wmo_42364 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42364
███ 0.0125992345 now-17days 2024-09-20T23:18:00Z wmo_42361 Data for ioos-station-wmo-42361

This web page was generated at 2024-09-21T04:26:25Z .
This web page will refresh itself automatically every 15 minutes.


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ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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